A'Chord East



A'Chord 2016bA'Chord East - Fun, Fellowship and Playing for all to Enjoy

ABOUT US: The A'Chord ensemble meet each Wednesday at Orleans United Church, 1111 Orleans Boulevard, ON K1C 7C8 from 9:30 - 11:30.

CONTACTS: Communications & Bookings – Donna Grimard 613-830-1958) 
Director & Musical Arrangements - Jean Guy Lemay ( 613-740-0106 )


A'Chord East began in 2001 when two east end cello players(Joan Henry & Judy Cliche) started a string orchestra in the east end of Ottawa. The group has grown to include other instruments and music styles ranging from classical to folk. We sometimes include vocals of some popular tunes for the enjoyment of our audiences. The goal of the ensemble is fun, fellowship and playing for all to enjoy.

The group is run by a capable team of volunteers. The logistics of sharing the written score with each member was remedied by Gerry Cheverie in 2010 when he created our website. Gerry continued as webmaster until his death in 2015 when Ralph Scribner took over as webmaster. Jean Guy Lemay directs the group and arranges the music using the latest computer software. The latest revisions are sent to the webmaster who updates the website. The seasonal playlist is managed by Donna Grimard and Claire Lamarre-Goyer with lots of input from each member. Communication and scheduling of gigs and practices is under the capable leadership of Donna Grimard.

Practices take place each Wednesday (9:30 - 11:30) at Orleans United Church, 1111 Orleans Boulevard, ON K1C 7C8. In past years we based our practices at Queenswood Villa and then at Portobello Retirement Residence and Beacon Heights Retirement Residence but, due to our increased numbers, we outgrew our limited space. We still get requests for return performances at these residences and are happy to comply.
Due to the Covid pandemic restrictions, we had to relocate to Orleans United Church in the Spring of 2022.


Anyone wishing to join our group is asked to contact Donna Grimard at 613-830-1958.